ココチ氏WS / 夕食会

Jim Kokocki Eduction Session & Dinner
Eduction Session & Dinner
5/27 19:00-20:45
『Developing People. Achieving Results. / 成長志向の皆様と成果達成の為に』
 Dinner with Mr. Kokocki / 国際会長ジムココチ氏を囲みながら、ミニパーティーを楽しみましょう!

Keynote Speech
5/29 9:05-9:45
『Developing Your Leadership Skills in Toastmasters / トーストマスターズでリーダーシップ能力習得の為に』

Workshop & Dinner
5/27(Fri) 19:00-20:45

Education Session (ワークショップ)
『Developing People. Achieving Results. / 成長志向の皆様と成果達成の為に』

In this keynote address International President Jim Kokocki offers lessons from
his leadership journey including a major miscalculation and then discusses the rich
leadership opportunities available within Toastmasters.

この講演で、先ず国際会長である私、Jim Kokochi は自らのリーダーシップ習得の過程を失敗談も含めながら、


Venue : Osaka International House 3th floor "Icho no ma"
Up to 100 people
Registration will be through Peatix  ⇒ Registration

Fee: 2500 yen
Let's enjoy and have a mini party with Mr. Kokocki (2015-2016 International President)

Keynote Speech
5/29(Sun) 9:05-9:45

Keynote Speech (基調講演)
『Developing Your Leadership Skills in Toastmasters / トーストマスターズでリーダーシップ能力習得の為に』

International President Jim Kokocki contrasts management and leadership and explains
why both are required.
In addition he discusses succeeding and communication as a leader and leads the group
in an entertaining but illustrative communication exercise.

この時間では、国際会長、Jim Kokochiは経営管理とリーダーシップを比較検証し、

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